The Bitterroot Public Library Foundation was established in 1989. According to its bylaws, the Foundation is dedicated to “charitable, literary and educational purposes”.
Board of Trustees
The library is governed by a five-member Board of Trustees as prescribed by and Interlocal Agreement between the City of Hamilton and the County of Ravalli dated July 8, 1987.
Learn about our operating, user behavior, computer use, collection development, community program room, child safety, photograpy, video, petitioning and leafleting policy.
Strategic Plan
Bitterroot Public Library currently has four strategic area of focus. These areas are: operation access, financial sustainability or funding, building or facility and promotion and outreach.
The library’s budget contains three funds. Fund 1 (7350) is its main operating fund and Fund 2 (7351) is a grants and donations fund which supplements the main fund. The library also has a reserve fund, Fund 3 (7352).
Take a look or download the meeting minutes of all board of trustee monthly meeting. Meeting minutes are available since 2015, including all extra ordinary meetings that took place since 2015.
Know about the directors, staffs and volunteer who are working relentlessly to serve the library.
2021 Facility Summary Plan
The 2021 Facilities Summary is intended to provide an overview of the current state of the Bitterroot Public Library building and operations, the need for additional space to serve the community based on current statistics, and possible options for expansion.