Board of Trustees

The Bitterroot Public Library is a multi-jurisdictional library with a tax base comprised of the Hamilton, Corvallis and Victor school districts. The library is governed by a five-member Board of Trustees as prescribed by an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Hamilton and Ravalli County dated July 8, 1987. The board is appointed as follows:

  • The Hamilton City Council shall appoint two members, both of whom must be residents of the library district, one of whom must be a city resident.
  • The Board of Ravalli County Commissioners shall appoint two residents of the Library District.
  • The Hamilton City Council and the Board of Ravalli County Commissioners shall jointly appoint the fifth member.

The terms of the trustees shall be five years. Trustees shall serve no more than two full terms in succession.

Board of Trustees meetings are held monthly in the library community room every month on the third Wednesday at 4 p.m. Find the monthly agenda here.  The public is welcome to attend. Special board meetings are held on an as needed basis and will be announced with adequate notice.

Current Trustees

Paul Stone


CarmelA Bowns


Robert Ratcheson


Warren Neyenhuis


