Computer Use Policy

The Bitterroot Public Library strives to balance the rights of users to access information resources
with the rights of staff and patrons to work in a public environment free from offensive sounds and
images. Individual users must accept responsibility for determining content and suitability based on
Federal, State and local law (MCA 45-8-206).
Patrons disrupting other users in the computer area will receive one warning. If disruption continues
their computer privileges will be revoked for the remainder of the day and they will be required to
leave the computer area.
Patron Responsibilities:
 The responsibility for what minors view or read rests with parents and legal guardians,
not the Bitterroot Public Library.
 Patrons are required to limit the volume and length of their conversations while in the computer
area to ensure that others are not disrupted.
 No more than two people at a computer at a time.
 Patrons are welcome to enjoy drinks at the library computers. Eating food is allowed in other
areas of the library, but not at the computers.
 All behaviors while using library computers must comply with our behavior policy.
Misuse of Computer Equipment or Software
Misuse includes but is not limited to:
 Not following the above patron responsibilities.
 Activities that could cause congestion or disruption of networks and systems
 Changing, modifying or damaging or attempting to damage any library computer.
Misuse of computer equipment or software will result in the patron’s computer privileges being
revoked for the remainder of the day. The incident will be documented according to library
procedures. If the incident involves a minor, an attempt to inform parents/guardians will be made.
Illegal Use of Internet Access
Illegal use includes but is not limited to:
 Any use that violates federal, state, or local laws
 Violating copyright laws
 Displaying anything that could be considered obscene in the presence of a minor
Illegal use of Internet access will result in staff requesting immediate compliance. If a patron refuses
to comply or is in non-compliance a second time, the patron’s computer privilege will be revoked for 1
year. The incident will be documented according to library procedures. If the incident involves a
minor, an attempt to inform parents/guardians will be made.

Approved 4/20/2022 by Bitterroot Public Library Board of Trustees